
Bangladesh customer visit our company for liquid glucose production line

liquid glucose production line
Bangladesh customer visit our company for liquid glucose production line

In August 2016 , the Bangladesh customer visit our company for the liquid glucose production line . The customer plan to set up one liquid glucose production line to produce liquid glucose from corn or broken rice directly , to add value to the grain.

Producing liquid glucose from corn or broken rice directly in liquid glucose production line , our company production technology is dry milling method with double-enzyme method .

The dry milling method of our liquid glucose production line : first dry cleaning corn or broken rice and then with dry milling method to mill cleaned corn or broken rice to rice powder , without any water input or discharge .

The double-enzyme method of liquid glucose  production is first mix corn powder or rice powder with water making  slurry (like produce liquid glucose from starch) , jet cooking slurry for for liquefaction (need liquefaction enzyme) , separate protein , saccharification (need saccharification enzyme) , decolonization , Ion exchange and evaporation to get required density high quality clear liquid glucose .

According to our dry milling technology, one liquid glucose production line can use two kind raw material (corn / broken rice) to produce the liquid glucose directly . The customer can choose the more cheaper raw material at different time to produce liquid glucose and get more profit from the liquid glucose production line .

Our company can supply the dry milling process of liquid glucose production line with technology support .

More information about our liquid glucose production line , please contact us freely .
More Information about our  machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

Title :
Inquiry *

Pakistan customer visit our company for the rice glucose plant

rice glucose plant
Pakistan customer visit our company for the rice glucose plant

In August 2016 , the Pakistan customer visit our company for the rice glucose plant project . The customer plan to set up one rice glucose plant in his country , produce rice glucose from broken rice directly . 
Producing rice glucose from broken rice directly in rice glucose plant has two kind process , one is dry milling process and the other is wet process .
The first kind process of rice glucose plant is dry milling process , the first step is dry cleaning broken rice and then with dry milling method to mill cleaned broken rice to rice powder , then mix rice powder with water making rice slurry , jet cooking slurry for for liquefaction , separate rice protein , saccharification , decolonization , Ion exchange and evaporation to get required  density rice glucose .
The second process of rice glucose plant is wet process many company know,  first washing and steeping rice with water , then use some kind milling machine to mill the steeped rice to rice slurry by water. Then the rice slurry will be jet cooking for liquefaction , separate rice protein , saccharification , decolonization , Ion exchange and evaporation to get required density rice glucose .
Compare the two kind process of rice glucose plant , the customer more prefer to dry milling process of rice glucose plant . Compare with wet process rice glucose plant , dry milling process rice glucose plant required small amount water , has more small amount waste water to discharge , more lower loss , full production is non-pollution .
Our company can supply the dry milling process of rice glucose plant to the customer. Our company not only supply the complete rice glucose plant , our company also supply the production technology of rice glucose plant. We have set up one rice glucose plant in Uzbekistan with dry milling process . 
More information about our rice glucose plant , please contact us freely .
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com

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Inquiry *


How to make corn syrup from corn starch?

corn syrup plant
Corn syrup plant

The Manufacturing Process of corn syrup

Corn syrup is produced in processing plants known as wet corn mills. In addition to corn syrup, these mills produce many other corn products including corn oil, corn starch, dextrose, soap stock, animal feed, and several chemicals used in other industrial processes.

1 .Making corn starch from corn for process corn syrup : 

Produce corn starch from corn is by wet milling process, separate the by product and get the purify corn starch milk, then the corn starch milk will be used to produce the corn syrup .

2. Converting corn starch into corn syrup

Corn starch is converted into ordinary corn syrup through a process called acid hydrolysis. In this process, the wet starch is mixed with a weak solution of hydroelectric acid and is heated under pressure. The hydroelectric acid and heat break down the starch molecules and convert them into a sugar.

This kind corn syrup is then filtered or otherwise clarified to remove color by activated carbon . It is further refined by ion exchange to get more high quality corn syrup and evaporated to reduce the amount of water to get required density corn syrup.

The acid hydrolysis starch is old technology , now the modern technology is double enzyme technology . Our company supply the complete corn syrup plant with support with the double enzyme corn syrup production technology . 

According our company enzyme technology of corn syrup plant , we also can use the corn powder to produce the corn syrup directly , it do not need produce corn starch from corn first. 

More Information about our corn syrup plant machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

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Inquiry *

Glucose syrup applications

glucose syrup  plant
Starch and glucose syrup

Glucose syrups (also known as starch syrups ) are derived from starch sources such as maize, cassava , wheat flour  and potatoes. Offering alternative functional properties to sugar as well as economic benefits . The glucose syrup enhances the flavor and volume of certain foods. It prevents sugar from crystallizing and is therefore mainly used in the candy and confectionery industries.

Glucose syrups are extremely versatile sweeteners . Glucose syrup is a highly processed product that improves the color, texture, flavor and stability of many foods. It is therefore glucose syrup has widely applications in food manufacturing and other industries, such as beverages or drinks (both alcoholic and otherwise),  confectionery , cake , baked food , canned food , jams , jellies and dairy products, as well as in pharmaceuticals and industrial  fermentation.

Glucose syrup is used as a replacement for sugar or honey in many recipes that require a lesser degree of sweetness. It is also used in fruit and vegetable conserves and in the production of tomato sauce and ketchup. In the United States, glucose syrup has almost entirely replaced sugar in commercially produced lemonade and energy drinks.

Glucose is created by hydrolyzing the sugar molecules in starch. Corn is the most common source of this starch, and therefore, glucose syrup is also called corn syrup. Potatoes, rice, wheat and cassava can also provide starch for the production of glucose syrup.

Our company has the new technology , we can produce the glucose syrup from corn or rice directly , the starch not the only one material for making the glucose syrup .If you  interested   in set up one  corn or rice glucose syrup plant , please contact us freely .

More Information about our glucose syrup plant machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com
Title :
Inquiry *