
How to begin a glucose syrup processing business plan?

glucose syrup processing line
Glucose syrup processing line
To begin a glucose syrup processing business plan, it requires you clear about several basic information, such as raw material , plant capacity , raw material source , government permission ,factory size, capital and so on .

1, Raw material :  whether your raw material is Corn/Maize , Rice/Broken rice or any kind Refined Starch .

2, Capacity :  how many tons of raw material you want to process in one day or how many tons of glucose syrup  you want to produce in one day . Our company can supply the glucose syrup processing line with output capacity from 5 ton glucose syrup per day to 100 ton glucose syrup per day .

3, Raw material source : Do you have your own plantation/factory  or you purchase the raw material from local market? For getting the profit maximization, it’s better to stable raw material supply to make sure the glucose sryup processing plant working everyday.

4, Government permission, to install a glucose plant, requires government permission, you need to prepare and apply in advance, for it takes long time, and our company can provide the documents that you need.

5, Factory size and location, you need to confirm the factory size, and our engineer can help draw layout for you. Please also note, the factory should be close to the main road  , it will help raw material  and finish product glucose syrup  transportation  in and out from the glucose syrup processing plant  .

6, Capital: it’s the necessary condition to install a glucose syrup processing business, for the whole glucose syrup processing plant will be costly and need to prepare in advance. And our company can help you with the quotation

Glucose syrup processing line
Glucose syrup processing line
When everything above is clear, you can  begin a glucose syrup processing business, and our company can also do the turn key project, if any problem about how to begin a glucose processing business plan, just contact with our company, we will always offer you the best service .

Our company has the new technology to produce glucose syrup from corn or broken rice directly .Our company engineer will give you a feasibility program according to your capacity.

Our company can supply the complete glucose syrup processing line and technology support for the buyer.
More Information about our glucose syrup processing line machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

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How is corn syrup made ?

corn syrup making machine
Corn syrup making machine

How is corn syrup made?

Manufacturers produce corn syrup by removing corn starch from the grains of corn and using acid hydrolysis to convert the starches to dextrose, a simple sugar that is less sweet than table sugar. Further refining with decolorization by activated carbon and purity by Ion exchange columns , at last use the evaporator to increase the DS of corn syrup to the buyer requirement .

The detailed description of corn syrup making machine process is as below :

1. Corn starch making process of corn syrup making machine process  :
Use the traditional wet milling method to making corn starch from corn .

2. Mixing process of corn syrup making machine process :
The DS value of the corn starch that came from corn starch making process is adjusted to 28-32% and control a proper value of PH and temperature. Or adding a certain amount of water to achieve the above conditions then go to the next section.

3. Liquefaction and heating of corn syrup making machine process :
Starch milk is sent to buffer tank then liquefied by jet cooker with the aid of enzyme.

4. Saccharification process of corn syrup making machine process:
The liquefied material keeps reaction for a certain time under the action of enzyme. The required DE value of the glucose will be produced. Then the material is sent to the enzyme killer to kill the enzyme.

5.Filtration and decolorization of corn syrup making machine process :
Glucose gets through the filter to remove protein and other impurities, then at the appropriate temperature passes by active carbon to decoloring, finally send to filters to remove activated carbon and send to the next section.

6 .Evaporation of corn syrup making machine process :
The glucose is totally cleaned through safety filter machine then sent to evaporator for concentrating to reach the required DS as final product.

7. Final production storage  of corn syrup making machine process :
Maintain the glucose syrup purity, easy transportation.

Our company can supply the complete corn syrup making machine and technology support for the buyer.
More Information about our corn syrup making machine , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

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Different technology of corn glucose syrup production

Everyone knows that corn glucose syrup from corn starch, During corn starch making line, the corn should  be soaked into sulfurous acid solution, after the process, the sewage exceed standard seriously. Recently, the corn starch factory will not get the approval of government because of environmental protection. 

Traditional corn glucose syrup production process 
Description of our company new technology of corn glucose syrup production:

1. It is dry method to remove bran, germ. No water add and no sewage discharged during the corn powder making.
2. Germ for making oil, bran & protein for additive of animal feed
3. Corn powder for making glucose/maltose/fructose syrup etc.
New technology corn glucose syrup production process
The advantage of our company new technology corn glucose syrup production directly

1.  Non environmental pollution, No sewage disposal
2.  Dry method  to remove peel and germ (germ for corn), byproducts for high grade      protein animal feed
3.  Profit maximization, for example, during the whole process, bran & fodder flour          2%,germ 8%,high grade protein flour around 18%
4.  Labor cost saving

Our company can supply thecomplete corn syrup processing plant and technology support for the buyer.
More Information about our corn syrup processing plant machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

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Ethiopia client visit our company for corn glucose syrup processing plant

glucose syrup processing plant
Ethiopia client visit our company for corn glucose syrup processing plant 
In March 2017 , the Ethiopia customer visit our company for the corn glucose syrup processing plant  .  The client plan to set up the corn glucose syrup to  produce  glucose syrup from corn directly , to add value to the grain.

The traditional technology of producing  glucose syrup from corn in corn glucose syrup processing plant first step is making starch from corn, then use the starch to produce the glucose syrup .   But now our company has new  technology is dry milling method with double-enzyme method can produce glucose syrup from corn or broken rice directly .  It do not need the starch production process..It will save much cost and consumption.

glucose syrup production line
Glucose syrup processing plant
Our  dry milling method for corn glucose syrup processing plant : first  dry cleaning  corn ,  remove the corn germ (can be used for making corn oil)  and then use dry milling method to mill cleaned corn to required corn powder  , without any water input or discharge  during the corn powder production .

The double-enzyme method of  corn glucose syrup processing plant  production is first mix corn powder with water making  slurry (like produce liquid glucose from starch)  , jet cooking slurry for for liquefaction (need liquefaction enzyme) , separate  protein and other solid impurity , saccharification (need saccharification enzyme)  , decolorization , Ion exchange and evaporation to get required  density high quality clear corn  glucose syrup .

According to our dry milling technology,   glucose syrup processing plant can use two kind raw material (corn / broken rice) to produce the high quality glucose syrup directly . The customer can choose the more cheaper raw material at different time to produce  glucose syrup  and get more profit from the corn glucose syrup processing plant  .

Our company can supply the complete  glucose syrup processing plant and technology support for the buyer.
More Information about our corn syrup processing plant machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

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Glucose syrup market trend between 2017 to 2021

glucose syrup production line
Glucose syrup made from corn
The International Glucose Syrup market is poised to witness rapid growth between 2017 to 2021. A strong trend of R&D investments in Food & Beverage industries will majorly drive the Glucose Syrup Market Approaches. Other growth drivers include the need to curtail costs, growth and increased use of shifting commodity prices, strength of private label brands and increased competition from players in Glucose Syrup industries.

The Worldwide Glucose Syrup Market 2017, presents critical information and factual data about the global Glucose Syrup Market, providing an overall statistical study of this market on the basis of market drivers, market limitations, and its future prospects.

Applying scientific knowledge and methods to food and beverage production can give Glucose Syrup Market manufacturers a competitive advantage and list of key Players:
• Cargill
• Ingredion
• Archer Daniels Midland
• Roquette Frères
• Avebe U.A.
• Beneo
• Tate & Lyle
• Agrana Group
• Grain Processing Corporation
• Queen Fine Foods
• Karo Syrup
• Sunar Misir

glucose syrup production line
Glucose syrup processing plant
The Glucose Syrup market for North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India is  based on the product types, application.
Glucose Syrup Product Types:
• Low Dextrose Equivalent Value Glucose Syrup
• High Dextrose Equivalent Value Glucose Syrup

Glucose Syrup Applications:
• Sweetening Agent
• Wine
• Others

Our company can supply thecomplete corn syrup processing plant and technology support for the buyer.
More Information about our corn syrup processing plant machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

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New technology corn syrup processing plant

corn syrup processing plant
New technology corn syrup processing plant
Glucose syrup, also known as confectioner's glucose, is a syrup made from the hydrolysis of starch.  Maize (corn) is commonly used as the source of the starch, in which case the syrup is called "corn syrup". Corn syrup is widely used in the manufacture of a variety of candy products.

The traditional method produce corn syrup from corn , it must produce corn starch from corn first . Now our company has the new technology , we can produce corn syrup from corn/maize directly . It does not need making the corn starch first.

Our company new technology for the corn syrup processing plant is as below :

1. Corn powder making process of corn syrup processing plant
The  corn must be cleaned to ensure the corn without any purity before enter into the corn powder processing line . Different with the normal corn powder processing , it need separate the corn germ from corn first,  then milling the peeled corn to powder form, after sieving and milling some times to get the required corn powder for making corn syrup.

2. Corn power slurry making process of corn syrup processing plant
Mixing the corn powder and water to get the right density slurry. Then add the amylase and keep on the temperature for particular time to make corn powder absorbing enough water  .
corn syrup production equipment
Corn syrup processing plant process flow

3. Liquefaction process of corn syrup processing plant
The liquefaction process is convert the starch which contented inside of the corn powder into liquid dextrin. The material will be sprayed at high temperature by jet cooker . With the aid of amylase and steam , the starch will be converted into liquid dextrin quickly.

4.  Deproteinization process of corn syrup processing plant
The deproteinization process is separate the corn protein and other solid impurity from liquid dextrin by filter press. The liquid dextrin will be pumped to next process, the corn protein will be left for sale. .
The by product corn protein ( feed grade) is top grade protein additives for making animal feed .

5. Saccharification process of corn syrup processing plant
The saccharification process is convert the liquid dextrin into required DE value corn syrup with the aid of gluco-amylase in the tank . This process should be run under specific temperature for some hours . This process is get the crude and yellow color corn syrup.

6. Decolorization process of corn syrup processing plant
The decolorization process is  removing the color of the corn syrup by activated carbon.  The corn syrup which reached required DE  will be pumped from saccharification tank into the decolorization tank , mixed with activated carbon at proper temperature .

Corn syrup processing plant 
7. Decarburization process of corn syrup processing plant
The decarburization process is separating the activated carbon from the corn syrup by filter press to get clear corn syrup.
The corn syrup will flow into the slot and the transfer tank for next step. The activated carbon will be left.

8. Ion exchange process of corn syrup processing plant
The Ion exchange process is using the resin to remove the tiny foreign items and bad odor to get high quality pure corn syrup.
The resin need regeneration by acid and alkali washing after working for some days

9. Evaporation process of corn syrup processing plant
The evaporation process is evaporate the water inside the corn syrup to increase the DS of corn syrup.
 Usually it need multi-effect evaporator work together with the single effect evaporator for producing high DS corn syrup.

10.  Final product storage of corn syrup processing plant
The corn syrup which reach the required DS in the evaporation process will be pumped into final product storage tanks for storage.
The final product tank can keep the corn syrup purity before transportation.

If you want to get profit from corn processing and interested in our new technology of the corn syrup processing plant, please contact with us freely .

Our company can supply thecomplete corn syrup processing plant and technology support for the buyer.
More Information about our corn syrup processing plant machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

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