Glucose syrup processing line |
1, Raw material : whether your raw material is Corn/Maize , Rice/Broken rice or any kind Refined Starch .
2, Capacity : how many tons of raw material you want to process in one day or how many tons of glucose syrup you want to produce in one day . Our company can supply the glucose syrup processing line with output capacity from 5 ton glucose syrup per day to 100 ton glucose syrup per day .
3, Raw material source : Do you have your own plantation/factory or you purchase the raw material from local market? For getting the profit maximization, it’s better to stable raw material supply to make sure the glucose sryup processing plant working everyday.
4, Government permission, to install a glucose plant, requires government permission, you need to prepare and apply in advance, for it takes long time, and our company can provide the documents that you need.
5, Factory size and location, you need to confirm the factory size, and our engineer can help draw layout for you. Please also note, the factory should be close to the main road , it will help raw material and finish product glucose syrup transportation in and out from the glucose syrup processing plant .
6, Capital: it’s the necessary condition to install a glucose syrup processing business, for the whole glucose syrup processing plant will be costly and need to prepare in advance. And our company can help you with the quotation
Glucose syrup processing line |
Our company has the new technology to produce glucose syrup from corn or broken rice directly .Our company engineer will give you a feasibility program according to your capacity.
Our company can supply the complete glucose syrup processing line and technology support for the buyer.
More Information about our glucose syrup processing line machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
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