
How to make glucose syrup ?

glucose prouduction process
Glucose production process compare

Glucose syrup, also known as confectioner's glucose, is a syrup made from the hydrolysis of starch, such as corn starch, potato starch , cassava starch and so on.   Glucose syrup is also called as corn syrup, since glucose syrup is most commonly made from corn starch.

The traditional technology of glucose production is  produce glucose syrup from starch (mainly is corn starch ) which is we all known.  But now our company have the new technology of glucose production which can produce the glucose syrup from corn or rice/ broken rice directly . 

Our new technology of glucose production process is as below :
1. Corn powder or rice powder production of glucose production process
     Use dry milling method to get corn powder or rice powder . During the powder production, there do not need any water.   

2.  Mixing of glucose production process
      Mixing corn powder or rice powder with water and enzyme to make slurry . It need enough time to make sure the dry powder can absorb enough water for soften.

3.  Liquification of glucose production process
     The slurry will be sprayed at high temperature by jet cooker . With the aid of starch enzyme and steam , the starch content in the power  will be converted into liquid dextrin .

4.  Deproteinization of glucose production process
     After liquification process ,only the starch become into liquid dextrin , the protein and other  solid impurity should be separated by filter press . After deproteinization , the liquid dextrin will go to next process and the protein feed will be left.  The protein feed is top grade protein additives for the animal feed .

5.  Saccharification of glucose production process
    The saccharification process is convert the liquid dextrin into required DE value glucose syrup with the aid of gluco-amylase .  The saccharification time is depend on the Required DE value of the glucose syrup . More higher DE required will need more longer time . 

6.  Decolorization of glucoseproduction process
     For getting clear glucose syrup , the glucose syrup need decolor.  Usually use the food grade activated carbon to mix with glucose syrup to remove the color of glucose syrup .

7.  Decarburization of glucose production process
      When the decolorization is finish , the filter process is used to separate the used actived carbon and clear glucose syrup .

8.   Ion exchange  of glucose production process
      For get impurity of glucose syrup , the Ion exchange process is need .The resin inside of the Ion exchange columns will remove the tiny foreign items and bad odor to increase the purity of glucose syrup .

9    Concentration  of glucose production process
      After Ion exchange , the glucose syrup density is low , the evaporator is used to remove the water inside of glucose to get the required DS glucose syrup . Usually it need multi-effect evaporator with single effect evaporator work together . 

10.  Finished product storage   of glucose production process
The glucose syrup which reach the required DS in the evaporation process will be pumped into final product storage tanks for storage. The final product tank can keep the glucose syrup purity before transportation.

Our company can supply the complete set corn/rice glucose syrup processing plant and the technology service .If you interested in our glucose syrup processing plant , please contact us freely .

More Information about our  glucose production process and machinery , please contact
Phone: +86 371 56771822
Email : sales@doingmachinery.com
Website: www.starchprojectsolution.com

